Have a logo or image from your website and now you need to print, silk screen or embroider it and you are being told the image cannot be reproduced. We will convert any of your low resolutions JPGs, Bitmaps, PDFs, Logos, Artworks, Illustrations, Maps, Signs... and Cartoons to camera-ready artwork. All your images are hand drawn and convert in to high quality vector files by our experienced designers. Vector artwork reduces the file size, number of nodes and also eliminates over lapping lines. In short vector artwork solves all problems and it’s ready for printing, plotting, engraving, etching, vinyl cutting etc.,
We can take your image and create a vector image for you to use. We can also take existing photos and remove backgrounds and in some cases add missing areas for you.
Fill out the form below for a price quote. Remember to attached the file you need to be converted.
We can take your image and create a vector image for you to use. We can also take existing photos and remove backgrounds and in some cases add missing areas for you.
Fill out the form below for a price quote. Remember to attached the file you need to be converted.